411/412 Enrollment and Requirements

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MSC/GSC/ATM 411: Individual, independent research with faculty supervision. Requires the submission of a written research summary report at the end of the term to be graded by faculty supervisor and approved by undergraduate research committee. (1-3 credit offering).

Please see below for instructions on how to obtain MSC or MBE or ATM or GSC 411 research credits. If you have enrolled in any research credit(s) for the semester, please make sure you complete the following three tasks no later than two days prior to the last day to add a course by 5pm:

  • Please read the MSC/MBE/GSC/ATM requirements below very carefully. Please review your responsibilities and meet with the faculty member with whom you will be doing research to discuss the proposed project.
  • If you are conducting 411 research for the first time, please write a brief description (half page) of the project that you will be doing. This will be submitted via the application. (**Please refer to the hours/week per credit guidelines established below)If you are a continuing research student that will be working on the same project in the Fall as you did in the Spring AND you submitted a project summary at the end of the Spring term, you are STILL required to fill out the application in its entirety. This will include dropping your project description and project summary from the previous semester.
  • All students please fill out the following application: 411/412 Application Survey. This form once submitted will automatically send an email to your research professor to be approved. This form MUST be approved by the research professor in order to enroll in 411/412. Trina Rosing will notify you if your form is rejected by your professor. If you have any questions, please feel free to email kmr251@miami.edu.

Failure to complete any of these tasks will result in the student being unable to enroll in MSC/MBE/ATM/GSC 411 for the term. It is the responsibility of the student to complete these tasks in coordination with the faculty.

  • Student and faculty member will meet and discuss the nature of the project.
  • A brief description (half-page) of the project must be submitted by the stated deadline via the application. This project description should be approved by the faculty member prior to submission.
  • Students must fill out 411/412 Application Survey and have the professor approve the application in order to enroll in 411 credits (now graded as a letter grade). Students may enroll in 411 up to 6 times with their academic advisor’s permission. A maximum of 3 credits of MSC/MBE/GSC/ATM 411 can count toward degree requirements (they can count as one MSC elective). Grades are submitted in Canelink by the faculty research supervisor.
  • Students should meet at least once during the semester with their faculty supervisor to discuss their activity/progress.
  • Each credit of 411 corresponds to a minimum of 3 hours/week spent engaged in research activity throughout the semester. Please make sure you are enrolled in the appropriate number of credits for the hours you plan to spend on the project this semester.
  • Application submission is to be reviewed by faculty member. The faculty member MUST approve the application via Outlook.
  • Students are required to submit a written 1-2 page research summary of the work they conducted to their faculty supervisor during the last week of classes for EACH semester they are enrolled in 411 credit(s). The report is to be graded by the faculty supervisor, signed as approved, and submitted to the undergraduate research committee via email. At the end of the semester, the supervising faculty member is responsible for submitting a letter grade.
  • Registration for additional credits in MSC/MBE/GSC/ATM 411 or 412 will be contingent on completing these requirements each semester. Faculty supervisors MUST comply with requirements to be eligible to continue offering undergraduate research credits.
  • For Departmental Honors, three (3) credits in 411 and one (1) credit of 412 are required, students must maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher, students must write a senior thesis approved by a research committee of at least three faculty members, students must do an oral or poster presentation of their work, and a separate honors registration form is required. Please see your advisor for details if you are enrolled in MSC/MBE/GSC/ATM 412 or hope to pursue a senior thesis or graduation with honors in the future. You may also visit our Departmental Honors website.
  • While writing the thesis, during the last semester, students should enroll in MSC/MBE/GSC/ATM 412. To enroll in 412 students must fill out 411/412 Application Survey.
  • MSC/MBE/GSC/ATM 412 will receive a letter grade submitted by the faculty supervisor. Completion of a senior thesis is required to receive a grade in 412.
