Chase Glatz
Marine Science/Chemistry
Title: Identifying Autochthonous vs Allochthonous Terrigenous Organic Matter Using Dissolved Lignin As a Biomarker
Research Supervisor: Hilary Close, Ph.D.
The Rosenstiel Undergraduate Research Symposium (RURS) is an annual event where graduating Rosenstiel students who have pursued a formal senior thesis present their research in poster symposium format to program faculty and their fellow students. The presentations each year highlight the diverse range of research topics pursued by Rosenstiel undergraduates.
Marine Science/Chemistry
Title: Identifying Autochthonous vs Allochthonous Terrigenous Organic Matter Using Dissolved Lignin As a Biomarker
Research Supervisor: Hilary Close, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: 97 Corals and Counting: A Large-Scale Assisted Migration Across Florida’s Coral Reef
Research Supervisor: Diego Lirman. Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Hypoxia tolerance of scleractinian species through PO2 crit determination
Research Supervisor: Chris Langdon, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Forecasting Mass Coral Bleaching Events: Development of Acropora cervicornis Model and Methods Comparison with NOAA Coral Reef Watch Program
Research Supervisor: Chris Langdon, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Phenotypic Adaptability of Acropora cervicornis to Possible Future Climate Conditions
Research Supervisor: Chris Langdon, Ph.D.
Marine Biology & Ecology
Title: Population Genetics of Fundulus Heteroclitus in Variably Polluted Sites
Research Supervisor: Douglas Crawford, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Potential impacts of a 28-day exposure to Deepwater Horizon oil on the Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, pituitary gland
Research Supervisor: M. Danielle McDonald, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Microbiology & Immunology
Title: The Relationship Between Viral Load and Growth in Aplysia
Research Supervisor: Michael Schmale, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: ASR Video Data Analyis on a population of Atlantic Killifish
Research Supervisor: Douglas Crawford, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: The Impacts of Waterborne SSRI and NDRI Exposure on Gulf Toadfish, Opsanus Beta, Hypoxia Response
Research Supervisor: M. Danielle McDonald, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Physiological Impacts of Heavy Metals in the Blood of Blacktip Sharks in Biscayne Bay, Florida
Research Supervisor: Liza Merly, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Differentiated behavior between reproductive states in humpback whales in the western Gulf of Maine
Research Supervisor: Donald Olson, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: The Effect of Pharmaceuticals on Predator Prey Dynamics
Research Supervisor: Donald Olson, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Examining disinfection methods of Artemia naupliii in Aquaculture
Research Supervisor: John Stieglitz, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Geological Science
Title: Defining the geochemical composition of the newly discovered NEOM brine pool and underlying sedimentary pore waters, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
Research Supervisor: Amanda Oehlert, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Geological Science
Title: Probing subduction zone behavior within plate tectonic reconstruction
Research Supervisor: Adam Holt, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: The Distribution of Shallow-Water Benthic Foraminifera in the Gulf of Aqaba and Northeastern Red Sea
Research Supervisors: Sam Purkis, Ph.D./Alex Humphreys, Ph.D.
Geological Science
Title: Assessing Contemporaneous Formation of Microbialites and Corals in a Post-Glacial Maximum Reef: Offshore Mozambique
Research Supervisor: Gregor Eberlli, Ph.D.
Geological Science
Title: The Coupled Effects of Temperature and Ocean Acidification on the Resident Microbial Communities of South Florida Reef Corals
Research Supervisor: James Klaus, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Microbiology & Immunology
Title: Characterizing the Effects of N-linked Glycosylation in Pore Forming Protein Perforin 2
Research Supervisor: George Munson, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Meteorology
Title: On the skewness of air temperature and humidity near the air-sea interface
Research Supervisor: William Drennan, Ph.D.
Meteorology/Mathematics/Geography and Sustainable Development
Title: Effects of Cloud Radiative Feedbacks on Marine Heatwaves off Baja California
Research Supervisor: Amy Clement, Ph.D.
Title: Convective Structure of Tropical Cyclones During Extreme Episodes of Rapid Intensification
Research Supervisor: Sharanya Majumdar, Ph.D.
Title: The Annual Variability of the North Atlantic Main Development Region
Research Supervisor: Sharanya Majumdar, Ph.D.
Title: Enhancing Graphical Risk Communication to Vulnerable Populations
Research Supervisor: Sharanya Majumdar, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Applied Mathematics
Title: Effect of an Artificial Reef on Wave Velocities Near the Seabed
Research Supervisor: Brian Haus, Ph.D.