Welcome to the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. This page will guide you through your first-semester registration. Whether you're just starting college or navigating this process on your own, we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Most full-time students take 4–5 classes (14–17 credits), which includes 1–2 labs. Your schedule may include:
A science course with lab (based on your major)You will meet with an academic advisor during Orientation. Use this page as a starting point, and bring your questions to that meeting!
If you have AP, IB, A-Level, CLEP, dual enrollment, or transfer credit, make sure your official scores and transcripts are sent to:
University of MiamiOnce processed, check CaneLink to confirm everything has been recorded correctly. If you’re transferring in credit without a direct UM equivalent (like a “100T” code), you'll need to submit a MATES form with a syllabus for departmental evaluation.
If you don’t already have college credit for math, you must take the ALEKS placement test. This ensures you're placed in the correct math course for your major.
Students typically take WRS 105 and either ENG 106, WRS 106, or WRS 107. If you have credit for one, you may only need to take the other.
Each Rosenstiel major has a suggested first-semester course plan. Select your major below to view your list: Contact your Transitional Guide at transitionaladvising@miami.edu or the Rosenstiel advising team at marsciNav@miami.edu.Recommended Courses by Major
Marine Affairs
CHM 110 – Chemical Problem Solving or an approved science elective
WRS course based on placement
Math course based on ALEKS placement or credit
Optional: ECO 211, GSC 110, or a course from your minor or cognate
Geological Sciences (B.A./B.S.)
WRS course based on placement
Math course based on ALEKS placement or credit
Elective toward Arts and Humanities cognate
Optional: CHM 121 & 113 if WRS credits are satisfiedMarine Biology & Ecology
MSC 111 & 112 – Introduction to Marine Science Lecture and Lab
BIL 160 & 161 – Evolution and Biodiversity Lecture and Lab
WRS course based on placement
Math course based on ALEKS placement or credit
Optional: Earth System (GSC 110) or a course toward a cognateMarine Science Double Majors
BIL 160 & 161 – Evolution and Biodiversity Lecture and Lab
Math course based on ALEKS placement or credit
WRS course based on placement
CHM 121 & 113 – Principles of Chemistry I and Lab
Math course based on ALEKS placement or credit
WRS course based on placement
CSC 120 – Computer Programming I
Math course based on ALEKS placement or credit
WRS course based on placement
CHM 121 & 113 – Principles of Chemistry I and Lab
Math course based on ALEKS placement (typically MTH 151 or higher)
WRS course based on placement
GSC 110 or GSC 111 – Introductory Geology
Math course based on ALEKS placement or credit
WRS course based on placement
ATM 103 – Introduction to the Atmosphere
Math course based on ALEKS placement or credit
WRS course based on placement
BIL 160 & 161 – Evolution and Biodiversity Lecture and Lab
Math course based on ALEKS placement or credit
WRS course based on placement
PHY 101/103 or PHY 111/113 – Physics I (algebra- or calculus-based) and Lab
Math course based on ALEKS placement (MTH 151 or higher recommended)
WRS course based on placement
PHY 101/103 or PHY 111/113 – Physics I (algebra- or calculus-based) and Lab
Math course based on ALEKS placement (MTH 151 or higher recommended)
WRS course based on placement
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